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So close, yet so far
What I would do to be with you?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
P.S. i did not update for a few days le so i'm gonna update for 1st August.That day Zheng Bin asked me out to a place where we relax ourselves last time so i went. When we reached,we saw a black dog.It was kinda friendly so we played with it.In the end we thought it was hungry so we bought food for it.I've been seeing it for some days le ba.So has Zheng Bin.Well that was some fun day.(Ok now i update today)Today i also went looking for that same dog.We found it missing and not in its spot where it has been.So i went looking for it.After i went home and took a bath, i decided to look for it again(well Zheng Bin ask me to look for it again),then when i was on my way to that place, i see that very same dog roaming around so i brought it back and was very happy.Now i am sooo tired so maybe i will update tomorrow(no that sure)

♥ posted on 8:50 PM

Friday, July 17, 2009
Today i went to school and ya same thing again and all the way blah blah blah until i reach school the i did my homework and then the science teacher came in. Again the whole class(or maybe not did not remember clearly) got insulted by her again she like everytime come ur class insult us one lor dunno y maybe she like to make fun of people well dat's her problem then we went for recess hmm saw donovan's leg injured well its the old injury acting up again(dat's wad he told me) the today's recess was not very fun only we at basketball court keep on throw the tennis ball. Then went to assembly the the principal told us about our character (the principal had a fan beside her lor then we need to squeeze but she at there talk and talk and talk for about 15 minutes sia) then we went back to our class then the teacher teach and talk all the way until 12 pm(i tik teacher's have a lot of saliva cos the teacher never even drink water until he teach finish lor) so then went to mother tongue class well the teacher still young and her lessons not very interesting so almost fell asleep( always happens) but tried to be awake lor. Then after school went looking for Damian 原来 he went to Trevor's house to give him homework then me and Zheng Bin go near block 440 to pluck some rambutans ( it took us a long time) we like pluck until 2+ then got 1 auntie who was the plucking help us the we both tried one bite (it was very SWEET!!!)

So dat's all hope u will look forward for tommorow's (type until very tired)

♥ posted on 12:54 AM

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Well today ar erm i think nothing interesting except when i was going home ba >.< Today when i was going to school, also nothing much lar so blah blah blah all the way until school then today i go “弄” the teacher again lols... cos he keep on pick on me what anyway is i “忍” him very long liao lor but he still pick on him and the all the way to recess, same thing also play basketball ( people who see this later say i basketball freak...hahas) then at class we eat again lor then Zheng Bin go make a heart shape out of the cuttle fish and i split half for Damian and Jingjie hahas that was fun. Then Zheng Bin go take the bottle cap and shoot at Navin (lols). Then after school, i stayed back for someone lar (don't tell you hehe but people who see this should know lar) then we went to play badminton and basketball while waiting. Then today while waking home, quite fun with Johnny. When reaching my house i tio bullied(no lar just say this for fun only anyways it was quite fun =])

So i think that's all, see my blog for tommorow ^^

♥ posted on 12:38 AM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Today was like the same. We bougth things and went to class to eat ^^. Everything turned better when the teacher put me at teh back of the class with Zheng Bin and Darryl. Then we were like doing alot of stuff in class and the teacher dun even know lor. But today recess was quite boring but heng got my good frens. SO that's all for today

See Ya~

♥ posted on 5:13 AM

Today was very fun too. Especially when i change seat and went all the way to the back with Zheng Bin and Darryl. Now wad i do the

♥ posted on 5:02 AM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Todya was very fun at school we played basketball like hell man. And today during remedial we was like playing around and the teacher like don't even care. Today we had an english mock test. I was very hungry cos recess never eat then Damian act go toilet then he go canteen help me buy dried cuttle fish lol the we like pass to Trevor the Zheng Bin then to Darryl and the teacher don't even know lols.. anyways today was fun haha

♥ posted on 4:46 AM

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Today was a fun day. To day was trevor's birthday party!! We had alot of fun playing around hehe... but wad i think was if someone was there it would be better lols hehe

♥ posted on 5:48 AM

about me

I'm 12 years old.I luv さにみんに and playing Basketball.My good friends are Damian,Zhengbin,Darryl,Donovan and Trevor



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Hao Wai | Jingjie | Priscilla | Donovan | friend | friend | friend | friend |
